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When you join volunteer program in Antiqua, Guatemala, you will stay with one of our carefully chosen host family. Your host family will be a home away from home, providing you with a comfy, safe and secure living environment. And of course, you will have the best inter-cultural exchange opportunities.

The host families in Guatemala are wisely selected for your safety and comfort by our local staff. They are mature, responsible,


educated and socially respected individuals having many years of experience in the field of hosting international volunteers. Your comfort and safety is their utmost concern and prove this with the greatest attentiveness and passion.

Living together with our compassionate host families is indeed a great way to adjust to living in a different country. You can rest, relax and focus on your project without any hassles while staying with your new found home in Guatemala.

During your volunteering program in Guatemala, our host family provides you an ideal opportunity for immersing in Guatemalan culture. Throughout your stay, you will live like local; participating in the daily activities of the family, celebrating local festivals and practicing their language. Staying with one of our host family is really a great chance for you to see Guatemala beyond a tourist trail.

The host family offers multiple comfortable bedrooms. Each of the rooms is furnished with single beds, bedding materials, fans, electricity and other necessary equipment. In most situations, you will share your room with other same gendered volunteers. Single rooms are available; however, it highly depends of the flow of the volunteers. You can expect to find communal bathroom with western style toilets and regular supply of water.

Facilities: Comfortable bed rooms (shared with same gender), single beds with clean and comfortable bedding materials, communal bathrooms with running water , western style toilets, necessary amenities nearby

Take a minute to complete the form and we will be in touch.


Our host family in Guatemala will share three local meals a day during your entire volunteering project in Antigua, Guatemala. Our host family will share breakfast, lunch and dinner with you.

During breakfast, you will have tea/coffee, fruits, eggs, toasts, eggs, etc. You will enjoy traditional Guatemalan foods during the lunch and dinner. The most popular traditional Guatemalan dishes are Chicken pepián, Pupusas, Kak’ik, Empanadas, Hilachas, etc. Major ingredients used to prepare Guatemalan foods are corns, rice, meat, corns, cheese, rice, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Chicken Pepian, regarded as a national dish in Guatemala, is a spicy stew created from the blend of the Maya and Spanish cultures. It is prepared with the raw meat of chicken, beef or pork and serve with rice or tortillas.

Pupusas is a cheap yet delicious food in Guatemala. Corn tortillas are marinated with cheese, beans and fried to make the surface crispy. Kak’ik is a traditional soup topped with a variety of spices like coriander, chilies etc. All these varieties of local Guatemalan food will indeed make your volunteering trip to Guatemala more exciting and rewarding.

Volunteer program in Guatemala

At Antiqua, we offer many life changing volunteering abroad program.

Take a minute to complete the form and we will be in touch.

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